Role of Viruddha Ahara towards Skin and Allergic Disorders; an Ayurveda Review

  • M. B. Pillewan
  • Anand Prakash Verma
  • Ranjita Naharia


Viruddha Ahara is Ayurveda view of food incompatibility; Viruddha Ahara referred several types of food incompatibility including food–food interactions and food processing interactions, etc. Diet and its combinations that affects metabolism of tissue, inhibits process of tissue formation, alter physiological process of body and having opposite property, etc. are termed as Viruddha Ahara or incompatible food. The inappropriate quantity and quality of food and improper timing of meal, etc. also comes under the heading of Viruddha Ahara. With respect to concept of Viruddha Ahara Ayurveda has described different food incompatibilities i.e.; Samskar ViruddhaSamyoga Viruddha and Veerya Viruddha, etc. Viruddha ahara can triggers pathogenesis of several diseases including Visarpa, intoxication, Shukra Dhatu Dushti, rhinitis, infertility, Kustha roga and allergic disorders, etc. Present article explored role of Viruddha ahara in skin and allergic disorders.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Incompatible Food, Viruddha Ahara, Skin Disease, Allergy


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How to Cite
Pillewan, M. B., A. P. Verma, and R. Naharia. “Role of Viruddha Ahara towards Skin and Allergic Disorders; An Ayurveda Review”. Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2022, pp. 11-13, doi:10.22270/hjhs.v7i1.121.
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