• Avinash Babanrao Chavan H.O.D. and Associate Professor, Rachana Sharir Department, S.G.R Ayurved College, Solapur, India.


Ayurveda is science of medicine practicing in India from thousands of years; the literature of ayurveda encompasses description of genetics. Sushruta has classified hereditary and congenital types of diseases such as; sthaulya, klaibya, prameha and other diseases occurs due to the defect in genetic component. Ayurveda also emphasized that the variation in prakriti is also due to the variation in genetic component. Therefore as per ayurveda the terms hereditary play vital role towards the health and well-being of an individual. Beeja (chromosome), beejabhaga (genes) and beejabhagavayava (fraction of part of chromosome) are important terms described by ayurveda to explain defects in sperm and ovum. The beeja, beejabhaga and beejabhagavayava are considered responsible for hereditary diseases along with other factors. Present article describe ayurveda perspective of genetics with special description of Beejabhaga and Beejabhagavayava.

Keywords: Beejabhaga, Beejabhagavayava, Genetics, Hereditary


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How to Cite
Chavan, A. “AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE OF GENETICS W.S.R. TO BIJA, BIJABHAGA AND BIJABHAGAVAYAVA”. Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 3, no. 1, Apr. 2018, pp. 1-3, doi:10.22270/ijist.v3i1.6.
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