Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences http://www.hjhs.co.in/index.php/hjhs Himalayan Group of Professional Institutions en-US Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences 2582-0737 <p>The International Journal of Innovative Science &amp; Technology affairs require a formal written transfer of copyright from the author(s) for each article published. We therefore ask you to complete and return this form, retaining a copy for your records. Your cooperation is essential and appreciated. Any delay will result in a delay in publication.</p> <p>I/we have read and agree with the terms and conditions stated Page 2 of this agreement and I/we hereby confirm the transfer of all copyrights in and relating to the above-named manuscript, in all forms and media, now or hereafter known, to the International Journal of Drug Regulatory affairs, effective from the date stated below. I/we acknowledge that the IJDRA is relying on this agreement in publishing the above-named manuscript. However, this agreement will be null and void if the manuscript is not published in the IJIST.</p> <p><strong>Download link for <a href="/public/journals/1/ijist-copyright-form.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>COPYRIGHT FORM</em></a></strong></p> Physiological Importance of Asthi and Peshi Sharira: An Ayurveda and Modern Perspective http://www.hjhs.co.in/index.php/hjhs/article/view/186 <p><em>Asthi</em> and <em>Peshi</em> are terms from Ayurveda; they refer to different aspects of the human body. They refer to the skeletal system or the bone structure of body, bones are considered as <em>Dhatus</em> that make up the human body. <em>Asthi Sharira</em> is responsible for providing support and protection to the body. <em>Peshi Sharira</em> refers to the muscular system of body encompasses various types of muscles including skeletal muscles, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles, etc. These systems are responsible for the movement inside the body. Both <em>Asthi Sharira</em> and <em>Peshi Sharira</em> are essential components of body to provide support, holding capacity, basic skeleton frame, movement and rigidity to physical structure. This article narrates physiological importance of <em>Asthi</em> and <em>Peshi</em> <em>Sharira</em></p> Shirish Ramrao Patki Vandana Manohar Chatore Neha Sudarshan Chavhan ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 2024-04-17 2024-04-17 1 3 10.22270/hjhs.v9i1.186