Ayurveda Consideration of Abhishyanda and its Management: A Review

  • Ameetkumar Shamsunder Agrawal
  • Suvarna P Golecha
Keywords: Ayurveda, Netraroga, Abhishyanda, Shalakya Tantra


Abhishyanda is considered as Sarvagata Netraroga which is a dreadful disease and possess symptoms of conjunctivitis as per the modern science. The inflammation of conjunctiva mainly occurs in Abhishyanda which can spread through Rakta. Abhishyanda if not cured then it can causes Adhimanth associated with acute pain. The other complication may includes Sandhigat roga, Shuklagat roga, Krishnagat roga and Vartmagat roga, etc. Abhishyanda is put as disease amongst the seventeen Sarvagat rogas. Ayurveda classics mentioned various types of Abhishyanda including Vataja Abhishyanda, Pittaja Abhishyanda, Kaphaja Abhishyanda and Raktaja Abhishyanda. The disease involves Kledana in Doshas and Dhatu due to which profuse discharge comes out from the eye. Therefore excessive discharge from eye is the major feature of Abhishyanda. Ayurveda described different approaches such as Anjana, Pariseka, Pralepa, Aschyotana, Tarpana, Sweda and Putpaka for the management of various Netraroga. Some ayurveda formulations and herbs also offers relieves in the symptoms of Abhishyanda.


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How to Cite
Agrawal, A. S., and S. P. Golecha. “Ayurveda Consideration of Abhishyanda and Its Management: A Review”. Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 6, no. 4, Nov. 2021, pp. 1-2, doi:10.22270/hjhs.v6i4.111.
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