Ayurveda view on Prameha w.s.r. to causes and approaches of Management
Prameha is pathological condition which mainly arises due to the excessive consumption of Madhura, Snigdha, Guru and Picchila Aharas. As per modern view sedentary habits, stress and lack of exercises, etc. are responsible for such types of metabolic disorder. Prameha is related to the diabetes as per the modern science, the disease mainly found in middle aged and elderly population but current life style also increases prevalence amongst young population. Aharaj & Viharaj factors play important role towards the disease pathogenesis including Kam-krodha, Shoka, Chinta and Bhaya, etc. are play vital role towards the disease pathogenesis. This article presented view on prameha W.S.R. to its causes and management.
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10. Sushrut Samhita Su.Chi11/3by Kaviraj Dr. Ambikadatta Shastri Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthana, Edition 2012
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