Ayurveda view on Fissure-in-Ano and its management through Ayurveda w.s.r. to role of Jatyadi Taila Matra Basti
Acharya Sushruta has explained many diseases of Guda-Roga and Anal fissure is one of them, which is categorizes as painful Anorectal conditions. Ayurveda described fissure-in-ano as Parikartika which possess symptom of Kartanwat Vedana in anal region. Sharp cutting pain, bleeding, discharge, itching and burning sensation, etc. are common symptoms of fissure. Ayurveda described many therapeutic options for treating such types of conditions including uses of medicated Ghruta, Yastimadhu ghruta, Jatyadi ghruta and Swedan, etc. The Matra Basti of Taila also recommended treating fissure, in this regard Matra Basti of Jatyadi taila play remarkable role to suppress symptoms of disease. Matra Basti of Jatyadi taila helps to sooth affected area, remove slough and reduces pain, etc. Jatyadi taila Matra Basti known to controls discharge in case of ano-rectal problem. Jatyadi taila itself offers Shodhan and Ropan effects thus helps to heal anal wound and relieves Shotha by virtue of its Snigdha Guna. Present article described patho-physiology of fissure in ano and its management through Ayurveda W.S.R. to role of Jatyadi taila Matra Basti.
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