A Comprehensive Review of Nasya Therapy in the Management of Anidra (Insomnia)
Anidra (Insomnia) is recognized as an independent disease, or in some texts it is mentioned as a prodromal symptom of other conditions such as; Visha Lakshanas, Angamarda, Tandra, Shiro Roga, Akshigaurav and Arishta. Heaviness in eyes, polymyalgia, drowsiness and headaches, etc. are major side effects associated with Anidra. Medical science offers several options for the management of such conditions; similarly, Ayurveda also put great emphasis for its management. Pharmacological drugs as well as Panchakarma therapies such as-Brimhana Chikitsa, Sirahtarpana, Akshitarpana and Nasyaare mainly described by Ayurveda philosopher for the management of insomnia. Among these, the role of Nasya therapy is explained in this article. In this therapy, medication is administered through the nose, which is considered one of the routes for delivering medication to the head region, serving as a gateway to the brain and central nervous system. Nasya gives beneficial results, such as lightness in head, refreshing sleep, cheerful mind, improvement in function of sense organs and normalization of metabolic activity, etc.
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