Nidana and Chikitsa of Netrarogas w.s.r. to the role of Ayurveda Drugs
Shalakya Tantra is department of Ayurveda which deals with treatment of diseases located above the neck area. This branch works around diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of head, eyes, ears, nose and throat. Shalakya Tantra associated with Urdhwangchikitsa that offer treatment of Indriyas. This branch helps to cure diseases of eye and in this regards many herbs and classical Ayurveda formulations were advises for curing Netrarogas. The causative factors of eye diseases (Netraroganidanas) need to be avoided for preventing diseases of eye. Therefore the knowledge of causative factors is very important so one can avoid them. Vataprakopa, Swapanaviparyaya, Diva swapn, Kaphaprakopa and Ratrijagarana, etc. are major causes of Netrarogas. Triphala Kashaya, Triphala churna, Amla and Shatavari, etc. are natural drugs which offers health benefits in eye problems. Considering these aspects present article described Nidana and Chikitsa of Netrarogas.
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