Clinical Significance and Biological Mechanism of “Netea Kriya Kalpa”
Ayurveda is conventional way of health management which prevents and treats many diseases. Ayurveda described approaches of healthy living and suggests approaches for restoring health of sense organs. As per Ayurveda eyes is most vital organs amongst the other sense organs. Eye as sense organ of body considered as most precious gift of god. The diseases related to the organs of Urdhwajatrugata sthana are described as Urdwajatrugata vyadhis which includes diseases of ear, eyes and nose, etc. The diseases of eye described as Netra-Roga and Ayurveda suggested many options for curing Netra-Roga and Kriyakalpa is one of them. Netra Kriyakalpa is therapeutic process for curing Netra rogas. Netra Kriyakalpa utilizes various cleaning and medicinal procedures for eye to maintain normal health status of eye. Netra Kriyakalpa helps to prevents and treat diseases of eye and can be practiced in routine life. Present article explored clinical significance and biological mechanism of “Netea Kriya Kalpa”.
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