Unique Philosophy of Pratinidhi Dravyas and its Clinical considerations: Needs of Current Scenario
Pratinidhi dravyas means drug substitutes used in place of original drug which is Abhav dravya (unavailable). The Abhav and Pratinidhi drugs should possess similar Guna and therapeutic activities, so that Pratinidhi dravya can be used in place of Abhav dravya for similar therapeutic purposes. Pratinidhi dravya used in case of unavailability of drug may be due to the loss on habitat, over exploitation of natural sources and selection of rare plant species. The concept of Pratinidhi dravyas not only resides around the substitution of plant based drug but precious gems and stone can also be substituted with their cheaper substituent to retain similar therapeutic properties as like replaced gems and stone. However the Ayurveda literature suggested utilization of Pratinidhi dravyas on the basis of rationale reasoning after consideration of effects and side effects of Pratinidhi dravyas. The modern and ancient sciences briefed about the drug substitution to achieve the desired effects. Considering clinical significance of this fact present article summarizes various aspects of Pratinidhi dravyas and their clinical importance.
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