Twak Sharir Ayurveda and Modern Consideration: a review w.s.r. to Anatomical perspectives

  • Prayag Dinkarrao Deshmukh
  • Sushama Gopalsing Kuware
  • Shivchandra Vishwanath Gurme
Keywords: Ayurveda, Twacha, Skin, Twak Sharir, Sparsh


The sensory organs (Dnyanendrias) are important parts of body, which receives senses and responds accordingly. Twak, Nasa, Akshi, Jivha and Karna are important sense organs, amongst them Twak (skin) is considered as organ of prime importance since it performs many functions and receive sensation via Sparsh. Twacha (skin) covers body, maintain body structure, contributed towards appearance, resist effects of climatic changes and protect body from external shock. Swedvahi strotas, Loma and Lomkupas, etc. are major parts of Twacha. It is described as largest organ of body and covers whole body frame work. Ayurveda described various layers of skin including Avabhasini, Lohita, Shweta, Tamra, Vedini, Rohini and Mansadhara. These layers performs specific functions and resembles particular types of diseases if get affected by pathological factors. Acne, psoriasis, leprosy, vitiligo, allergy and hyper pigmentation, etc. are diseases associated with various layers of skin. This article elaborated anatomical perspective of skin.


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How to Cite
Deshmukh, P. D., S. G. Kuware, and S. V. Gurme. “Twak Sharir Ayurveda and Modern Consideration: a Review W.s.r. To Anatomical Perspectives”. Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 7, no. 3, Sept. 2022, pp. 11-13, doi:10.22270/hjhs.v7i3.141.
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