Ayurveda and modern view on concept of Dincharya: A review

  • Shivchandra Vishwanath Gurme
  • Sushama Gopalsing Kuware
  • Prayag Dinkarrao Deshmukh
Keywords: Ayurveda, Dincharya, Samhita, Daily Routine


Ayurveda described several concepts related to the overall well-being and health management of human society. Dincharyais one such concept of Ayurveda which mentioned ways of healthy living and helps to prevent diseases. As per Ayurveda the good conduction of daily regimen offers enormous health benefits. The concept of Dincharya referred to disciplinary daily routine conducts. The rules and conducts of Dincharya help to prevent pathogenesis of common diseases and promote general health condition. The concept of Dincharya includes various regimens like; waking up in early morning, Shaucha vidhi, Dantapavana, Anjana, Nasya, Gandusha, Dhumapana, Abhyanga, Vyayama, Udwartana and Snana, etc.


1. Caraka Samhita (text with English translation), editor-translator Prof. Priyavrat Sharma, Vol 1,Sarirasthana,Chapter 2, Shloka no.46, published by chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Edition 2014,pg no.418.
2. Astanga Samgraha of Vagbhata,translated by Prof. K.R. Srikantha Murthy ,Vol 1,Sutrasthana,Chapter 3,Shloka no.8-9, published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi,Reprint edition 2015,pg no 32.
3. Susruta Samhita translated by Prof.K.R.Srikantha Murthy,Vol 2,Chikitsa sthana, Chapter 24,Shloka no.80, published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi,Reprint edition 2014,pg 232.
4. Tripathi Ravidutt, Ashtanga Sangraha of Vagbhata, saroj hindi commentary, Sutra Sthana 3rd chapter, Dincharyaadhyaya, Chaukhambha Bharati Sansthan, Varanasi, reprint edition; 2003. p. 42
5. Singh Satyapal. Role of Vihara (Ayurvedic Lifestyle) in the Prevention and Management of Dermatological Disorders.Int J Pharm Bio Sci, 2015; 6(4): (B) 366 – 371.
6. Dr Kunte A.M., Ashtang hridaya, ChaukhambaSanskritsansthana, Varanasi, sutrasthana, chapter 2/8-, 2011pg 26.
7. B. Ramrao. Astanga sanraha of Vagb- hata; 1st edition. Varanasi(India) (Chaukmbha vishnubharata)2006.pp.34.
8. Vriddha Vagbhata, AstangaSamgraha Sutrasthan 3/23. Gupta A. editor, with Hindi Commentary, Varanasi: Chowkhamba Krisnadas Academy; Reprint 2011; page 23.
9. Charaka, Charaka Samhita 5/74, Priyavrat Sharma Editor, Vol- I, Fifth Edition, Chaukambha Orientalia Varanasi 1998, Page 38.
10. Susrutu, Susrutu Samhita, Chikitsasthan 40/19, Kaviraj Kunjal lal Bhishagratna Editor, Vol- II, Fifth Edition, Chaukambha Sanskrit series office Varanasi 1999, Page 774.
How to Cite
Gurme, S. V., S. G. Kuware, and P. D. Deshmukh. “Ayurveda and Modern View on Concept of Dincharya: A Review”. Himalayan Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 7, no. 3, Sept. 2022, pp. 17-19, doi:10.22270/hjhs.v7i3.143.
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